Mint Avocado Apple Smoothie | Low Carb Smoothie | Meal Replacement

After a gap in blogging, I've gathered the courage to do a post today and I want to really thank my dear blogger friends for all your concern and care on checking things with me. I have been doing fine and my camera has gone for service and I have started to use a friends camera to click pics for the time being. If you find the pictures not great it could be because of the bad weather. But I just felt I should not stop posting and use what I have to keep going.

Today I am sharing with you a great meal replacement, I would rather say a healthy replacement for the boring cereals and breakfasts that we usually have. There are reasons why I 'd say its healthy read on to find out.

Why low carb?

Even though carbohydrates are vital part of our diet since they are our primary source of energy many people eat far too many of the wrong sort of carbohydrates that tend to cause obesity and related diseases. The following combinations help to create a low carb drink that is healthy yet filling

Apples contain antioxidants, reduce cholesterol, cleanse digestive system and boost immune system, help in tooth heath, help in aiding digestion of fats. No wonder they say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"  11.8 g carb for 100 g

Avocados have high vitamin E content and is excellent for skin health, wound healing, aid digestion and help in metabolize fats. 1.9 g carb for 100 g

Soya products reduce insulin levels, lower LDL - bad cholesterol  regulate blood sugar and are great source of protein for vegetarians. Soya milk 9 g carb per 100 g

Agave Nectar is a great natural alternate to sugar (white/brown), artificial sweeteners and even honey. They are low in GI and are great on a drink or cereal, pancakes


Apple - 1, chopped
Avocado - 1/2 ripe
Soya Milk - 1/2 cup
Agave Nectar - 1 tsp (optional)
Mint leaves - 4-5


In a blender blend all the chopped fruit and mint for 30 secs and add the soy milk and nectar and blend for a minute until smooth.

Serve immediately 


  1. Yay! Welcome back Pri :) Glad u have decided to kep blogging, no matter wat :) After all the show must go on :) Lovely smoothie... healthy and refreshing!

  2. Glad you are back with a post dear..
    Healthy and yummy smoothie.. Can be very filling too.. Perfect to have as a breakfast..

  3. This is soo healthy Priya and good to have u back!!

  4. Good to see you back blogging priya! Smoothie looks great. Keep rocking!

  5. you will surely get back your cam soon :) healthy drink priya..

  6. They look and sound stunning.

  7. Avocado smoothie is one of my favorite drinks...with Apple.. never tried...along with a hint of mint flavor...sounds interesting and tasty...

  8. You came back with a healthy n heavy filling smoothie, Keep Rocking :-)

  9. if some one serves like this.i will have

  10. good one ! seasons greetings

  11. looking delicious priya... Never tried avocado, but ur clicks tempt me to buy & try.
    Let me c:)

  12. super!love the recipe, the facts.....n ur attitude!:)


Thank you for visiting, I hope you enjoyed my recipes :-) In case you have tried any of the recipes featured here, do let me know in the comment section. For any other queries email me - cooklikepriya(at)

Priya Ranjit